OCD Groups
Dealing With OCD
63 membersA group for people who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder and need help managing their symptoms and understanding their condition.
Family Member Had OCD
1 memberA group for people who have a family member who has or had OCD, who want to learn more about the condition and how to support their loved one.
Family Member Has OCD
9 membersA group for people who have a family member who currently has OCD and are looking for tips and advice on how to help them manage their condition.
Work in OCD Treatment Related Field
1 memberA group for people who work in the field of OCD treatment and research, such as counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other professionals.
Work With People Dealing With OCD
2 membersA group for people who work with individuals who have OCD and need advice on how to best support them in their journey.
Align Things
29 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to align and organize items in their environment, such as furniture, books, and other objects.
Check and Re-check
33 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to double and triple check things, such as locks, appliances, and other items.
Cleaning Related
16 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to clean and sanitize their environment, as well as an intense fear of germs and contamination.
Compulsive Behavior
29 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to perform certain behaviors, such as counting, touching, or repeating words.
Counting Related
15 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to count things, such as steps, words, or objects, in order to feel secure.
7 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to pick at their skin, resulting in scabs, scars, and other marks on the skin.
Hand Washing
16 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to wash their hands multiple times a day, often to the point of damaging their skin.
9 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to keep and collect items, often leading to large collections that can interfere with their daily life.
Maintain Specific Routines
15 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to stick to a specific routine and have difficulty adapting to changes.
9 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to bite their nails, often resulting in chapped and sore fingers.
Repetive Actions
18 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to repeat certain actions, such as tapping their foot or blinking their eyes.
4 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to take frequent showers, often leading to skin irritation and other issues.
7 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to pull out their hair, resulting in bald patches and other damage.
Intrusive Thoughts
19 membersA group for people who have an obsessive need to focus on certain thoughts, often leading to anxiety and distress.
Primarily Obsessional OCD
11 membersA group for people who have primarily obsessional OCD, meaning they experience obsessive thoughts without the accompanying compulsive behaviors.
Y-BOCS: Sub-Clinical
1 memberA group for people whose OCD symptoms are below the clinical threshold but still have a negative impact on their daily life.
Y-BOCS: Mild
5 membersA group for people who experience mild OCD symptoms, such as frequent checking and need for symmetry.
Y-BOCS: Moderate
8 membersA group for people who experience moderate OCD symptoms, such as excessive cleaning or counting.
Y-BOCS: Severe
3 membersA group for people who experience severe OCD symptoms, such as severe hand washing or compulsive hoarding.
Y-BOCS: Extreme
1 memberA group for people who experience extreme OCD symptoms, such as extreme throat clearing or skin picking.
OCD Management - Behavioral Therapy
11 membersA group for people who are looking to manage their OCD symptoms through behavior therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
OCD Management - Medication
9 membersA group for people who are looking to manage their OCD symptoms through medication, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics.
OCD Management - Psychosurgery
0 membersA group for people who are looking to manage their OCD symptoms through psychosurgery, a type of brain surgery.
OCD Management - Psychotherapy
3 membersA group for people who are looking to manage their OCD symptoms through psychotherapy, such as talk therapy or psychodynamic therapy.
OCD Management - Support Groups
1 memberA group for people who are looking to manage their OCD symptoms with the help of support groups, such as 12-step programs or online forums.
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Science
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